2月25日,2016年CP+影像展(Camera&Photo Imaging Show日本国际摄影器材与影像展览会)在日本正式开幕,众多大牌影像厂商携新品集体亮相,这也是中小厂商大展拳脚的好机会,本刊执行主编吕尚伟应邀赴日本参观了今年的CP+展,下面就让我们透过吕老师的相机带各位浏览一下本届CP+
On February 25, the 2016 CP + Video Show (Camera & Photo Imaging Show) was officially launched in Japan. Many big video makers took part in the new collective appearance. This is also a good opportunity for small and medium-sized manufacturers to flex their muscles. Executive Editor-in-Chief Lu Shangwei was invited to Japan to visit this year’s CP + exhibition, let’s take a look through the camera with the teacher Lu you look at this CP +