<正> 建国以来,山东省经济发展同全国一样,经历了一条曲折复杂的道路,几上几下,带有较大的盲目性.近几年,由于经济发展迅猛,而其透明度相对降低,往往出现始料未及的高速增长或滑坡,造成不应有的损失.因此,认识经济增长的内在规律,把握经济增长的各种有利时机,是减少盲目性,促使经济稳定增长的重要前提.本文拟从分析山东省经济增长的特征、成因入手,探索其中规律性的东西,以期对促进我省经济顺利发展有所裨益.
Modeling plays an important role for the solution of the complex research problems. When the database became large and complex then it is necessary to create a
Most of advertisement systems are presently still launch the publicity content by the static words and pictures. Recently, this static advertisement model will
A total of 240 water samples were collected during the three seasons of 2009 from different sites and sources in the internally displaced camps (IDP) including
This work deals with the effect of combined microwave-ultrasonic pretreatment on the anaerobic biodegradability of primary, excess activated and mixed sludge. T
<正> 近年学术界对孟子哲学思想的基本倾向展开了热烈的讨论。众说纷纭。有主张孟子是主观唯心主义的,有主张孟子是客观唯心主义的,还有主张孟子是唯物主义的。这些观点都言之有理,持之有故,但笔者认为,孟子的哲学思想是复杂的,用一个框子把它套起来恐怕不一定合适。如果能从多维角度根据《孟子》一书深入地透视一下,我们看到的孟子,也许会是另一个样子。本文试图对孟子哲学思想进行多维透视,不当之处请方家指正。
The Sun contains ~74% hydrogen by weight. The isotope hydrogen-1 (99.985% of hydrogen in nature) is a usable fuel for fusion thermonuclear reactions. This react
In this study, superficial marine sediments collected from 96 sampling sites were analyzed for 53 inorganic elements. Each sample was digested in aqua regia and