1979-1982年,是我国科普期刊创办数量最多,发行量最大的一段时间,现有的科普期刊约有三分之二是在这段时间里创办的.十一届三中全会之后,社会上出现了学文化、学科学的热潮,在十年“文革”期间,一大批失去了学习机会的青少年,这时急需各方面的科学知识充实自己,他们求知若渴,争相订阅科普期刊,形成一段时间内科普期刊的“黄金季节”. 到1985年以后,局面发生了变化,几乎没有新的科普期刊创办,已有的科普期刊有些也一蹶不振,发行量不断下降.造成这种现状的原因是多方面的.首先,在过去的几年中,科普期刊如雨后春笋,数量已达一定程度,而且有些内容上也出现交叉重复,竞争日趋激烈,科普期刊的
From 1979 to 1982, it was the period with the largest number and the largest circulation of popular science journals in our country, and about two-thirds of the existing popular science journals were founded during this period. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, There appeared a craze of studying culture and science. During the 10 years of “Cultural Revolution”, a large number of adolescents who had lost their learning opportunities were in urgent need of enriching themselves with all kinds of scientific knowledge. They desperately needed information and subscribed to popular science journals , The formation of a period of science journals “golden season ” .Through 1985, the situation has changed, almost no new popular science journals founded, some popular science journals have also sluggish, circulation continues to decline .This caused First, in the past few years, popular science magazines have mushroomed, the number has reached a certain level, and some content also appeared overlapping, competition is increasingly fierce, science journals