熊十力可以称得上是二十世纪中国思想界的奇哲,他为人刚直不阿、风骨嶙峋,其哲学思想亦气势磅礴、不同凡响。他穷毕生精力砥励学问,终于在荟萃古今中西思想精华的基础上建立起一套博大精深的哲学体系。 他既注意紧扣时代脉搏,以新思想之盎然生机抗拒传统文化的腐朽僵化,又时时警惕着西方社会中的人性异化和价值旁落,力图开创一个与宇宙物质生命和谐融洽的人文精神世界,在物化和异化的时代氛围中重建具有创造精神的、刚健自强的道德人生。正是上述独到见解,使熊十力哲学瑰宝在遭受了政治批判年代的摧残和“死心塌地向西走”之狂潮的冲击后,于当今改革开放面向世界和重建民族文化“根芽”的时代精神中大放异彩,受到海内外学者的关注。
Xiong Shili can be regarded as the twentieth-century Chinese intellectuals Qizhe, he was upright, strong-willed, his philosophy is also magnificent, extraordinary. His poor lifelong encouragement of learning, and finally blend in ancient and modern thought essence based on the establishment of a broad and profound philosophical system. He not only pays close attention to the pulse of the times but also vigorously resists the decadent and stereotyped traditional culture with fresh ideas and is constantly vigilant against the alienation and neglect of human values in the Western society and seeks to create a humanistic world in harmony with the material life of the cosmos. In the era of materialization and alienation, a creative and vigorous moral life is rebuilt. It is these unique insights that made Xiong Shili’s philosophical gem large in the era of reform and opening up facing the world and rebuilding the root cause of national culture after suffering the brunt of the tide of political criticism and “going westward” Splendid, by scholars at home and abroad attention.