Objective To explore the differences of fighter pilots’ basic cognitive abilities and their influence on flight training. Method The object for 120 healthy male fighter pilots, aged 23 to 40 years old. The seven pen and paper tests that reflect basic cognitive abilities are identi? Cation check, find regular fill, fill in data, find special figures, add calculation, compare scale value and discriminate direction. F-test was performed on differences in cognitive performance among fighter pilots in 6 different age groups and differences in flight ability and flight training performance. Results There were very significant age differences (F = 4.75-14.31, P <0.001) among the four cognition homework assignments, which were closely related to flight search for special graphics, addition calculation, comparison of scale value and direction of discrimination. There was no significant difference in the flight ability and flight training scores of pilots of different ages. Conclusion There are obvious age differences between fighter pilots’ basic cognitive abilities, such as calculation, appearance rotation, instrument recognition and azimuth judgment. However, this difference in age has not had a serious impact on the flight.