Adaptive Time-Frequency Distribution Based on Time-Varying Autoregressive and Its Application to Mac

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asicsyao
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The time-varying autoregressive (TVAR) modeling of a non-stationary signal is studied. In the proposed method, time-varying parametric identification of a non-stationary signal can be translated into a linear time-invariant problem by introducing a set of basic functions. Then, the parameters are estimated by using a recursive least square algorithm with a forgetting factor and an adaptive time-frequency distribution is achieved. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is superior to the short-time Fourier transform and Wigner distribution. And finally, the proposed method is applied to the fault diagnosis of a bearing, and the experiment result shows that the proposed method is effective in feature extraction. The time-varying autoregressive (TVAR) modeling of a non-stationary signal is studied. In the proposed method, time-varying parametric identification of a non-stationary signal can be translated into a linear time-invariant problem by introducing a set of basic functions. Then, the parameters are estimated by using a recursive least square algorithm with a forgetting factor and an adaptive time-frequency distribution is achieved. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is superior to the short-time Fourier transform and Wigner distribution. And finally, the proposed method is applied to the fault diagnosis of a bearing, and the experiment result shows that the proposed method is effective in feature extraction.
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1关于斯坦纳—雷米欧斯定理的证明  该定理1840年由德国数学家雷米欧斯正式提出,经几代数学家、数学爱好者百余年的探究,目前其证明方法已有近百种之多.文[1]和文[2]分别推荐了一种反证法和直接证法,应该是最接近初中生知识背景的办法了.但两个办法都用了已经淡出初中教材的结论,从  參考文献  [1]程诗春.对称地处理对称性问题——斯坦纳—雷米欧斯定理的最佳证法[J].中学数学杂志,2011(8):
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