The Awakening of Feminism

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  Kate Chopin, a famous representative American writer, was born in St. Louis in 1851. In 1870, she was married to Oscar Chopin, the son of a prominent Creole family from Louisiana. Chopin moved to New Orleans after her marriage and lived there for twelve years until the death of her husband. Chopin came back to her hometown with her six children. Under her friends’ encouragement, she began to write. Bayou Folk, A Night in Arcadie and The Awakening were her works, among them, The Awakening was her masterpiece.
  At the beginning of the twentieth century, with the rise of women’s liberation movement, female consciousness of American women writers soared to unprecedented height. These new women writers started to apply their own words to express the female world. Through a deep minute description, The Awakening mainly tells about the protagonist Edna’s awakening of the selfhood, boldly explores Edna’s internal world. Since this book describes protagonist’s extramarital love and the awakening of sexual consciousness, it had been banned and criticized by the critics. (闞鸿鹰,2005:176)
  II.The definition of feminism
  It is worth mentioning that the book called The Awakening is not the original idea of the author Kate Chopin. In fact, before the book was going to be established, the editor had made some adaption under the author’s agreement. At the very beginning, Chopin named the book called A Solitude Soul. In English, although both of the book names are the noun phrase, their points of emphasis are totally different from each other. The Awakening gets at a dynamic process, focus on the very moment when this movement happened; while in terms of A Solitude Soul, it shows us a static picture that indicates the inevitable situation of human being--the loneliness. (任海燕,2007:110) In this case, for Chopin, feminism means a woman knows clearly that she is a single unit in society.
  III.Three trials in her process of self-awakening
  In this story, Kate Chopin shows us three remarkable trials in Edna’s process of self-awakening. And from these three trials, her brave and weakness are exposed to us gradually. The first trial is her first time swimming, which symbolizes her reborn and self-discovery, at the meantime, this indicates that her fate will end at the sea eventually. Along the island there is a gulf leading to sea, the surge of sea sounds like the call of freedom, which recalls the love in the bottom of Edna’s heart. In embryonic stage of love, Edna recollects her free happy childhood, “The hot wind beating in my face made me think--without any connection that I can trace of a summer day in Kentucky, of a meadow that seemed as big as the ocean to the very little girl walking through the grass, which was higher than her waist. She threw out her arms as if swimming when she walked, beating the tall grass as one strikes to realize suddenly. Swimming widens her horizon and lets her feel free, extend and have the impulsion to get rid of everything bordering her. (任海燕,2006:111) In the story, when Edna faces to choose whether to do some needlework with Adele Ratignolle or to go swimming with Robert, she chose the latter. In order to obtain freedom and independence, Edna’s final trial concentrates on moving into the “pigeon house”.   IV.Conclusion
  Now all important roles and supports have analyzed and discussed, I want to draw some conclusion and talk about the ending of the story--Edna’s suicide. Above all, it is clear to see the whole process of Edna’s self-awakening: Edna goes through three phases of awakening: sexual awareness, spiritual awareness and ultimate awakening and finally chooses to die to liberate her soul and body. The pursuit of Edna’s feminine self-consciousness affirms the personality of women and it redefines the nature of women. Both of them are the negation of feminine historic destination and historic definition. And they possess strong subversive ideas. Therefore, Edna has become the historic milestone of female in American literature, and The Awakening has been regarded as the classical book of Western Feminism Literature. (劉红卫,2006:361)
摘 要:隨着高等学校招生竞争加剧,兴建环境优美、布局合理、功能齐全的现代化学生公寓是高校发展的需要,学生公寓成为高校精神文明建设和思想政治教育的重要阵地。加强公寓文化建设,强化学生公寓环境育人功能,是全面推进素质教育的必要组成部分。  关键词:高校学生公寓;文化建设;素质教育  随着高等教育的快速发展,加强学生公寓文化建设,不仅是全面实施素质教育的一个很好的切入点,也是加强校园文化建设的主阵地。我
摘 要:随着高等教育的蓬勃发展,教育质量的不断提高,社会对高校的期望与日俱增,而现价段高校的在校生主要以90后为主体,他们追求自由,个性独立,这给我们辅导员的日常管理工作带来了一定的难度,作为高校辅导员,我们深感肩上责任重大,对此我们将积极的迎接挑战。本文主要浅谈大学生思想政治教育,校风学风建设,学生安全教育等,深入分析并试图找到解决的方法和途径。  关键词:高校辅导员;思想政治教育;学生安全教育
摘 要:在初中英语教学中,“学困生”的大量存在一直是教学中最棘手的问题之一,这也导致初中的英语教学困难重重,停滞不前。因此,找出问题,分析原因,探究策略,是提高初中英语教学的关键。  关键词:初中英语教学;学困生;成因;对策  现如今,初中英语教学中“学困生”的大量存在成为阻碍英语教学的一大重要因素,鉴于此,就笔者的分析和调查与大家交流探讨。  一、学困生的形成因素  (一)学生自身原因  (1)
摘 要:目前,教师最为倡导的教育观念和教学方式就是让所有学生生动、活泼、主动地去获得知识,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中既增长知识。这也是每个学生数学素质得到有效提高所必需的学习情境,以下是笔者根据自己的教学经验对初中教学最初的经验,愿与读者共同探讨。  关键词:初中教师;初中数学;教育工作  一、教师要有创新意识  所谓创新意识不等于脱离教材的活动,作为初中教师首先要克服对创新认识上的偏差,创新是合乎
摘 要:慕课之风一刮进国内,便席卷了中学教学领域。作为一种新兴的教育资源和教学方式,它颠覆了传统校园教育的授课模式和评价模式,如今已经悄然进入语文学科的教学实践中。那么,这种新型的教学资源它是否适合高中语文教学?在高中语文教学中应该如何合理、有效地运用?本文主要针对这些问题进行考量。  关键词:慕课;语文教学;合理运用  慕课是大规模在线开放课程的简称,它的实施载体就是微视频,即只出现教师声音和知
一、课题的提出  1.背景  2011年以来,课程基地作为拓展课程实施途径是江苏独创,以课程基地为重点的学校特色建设,会使江苏的普通高中走出同质化的误区。  2.问题的提出  我国大部分农村地区和城乡结合部的三星级高中家校合作情况并不理想,家庭教育与学校教育严重脱节。课程改革明确指出:学校教育不可以再局限于学校之内、课堂之内,必须寻求社会各方面的支持与配合。  家校合作已经成为当今世界教育改革中不
摘 要:实验过程采用国家的标准样品,利用玻璃熔片法制取样品,用波长色散X—射线荧光光谱仪建立标准曲线,进行X荧光光谱法分析和标准值、化学值对照实验,并检测其稳定性,效果较好,其精密度和准确度可以满足本单位生产分析。  关键词:X—射线荧光光谱仪;熔融玻璃片;铝土矿  1 前言  铝土矿主要成分有Al2O3、SiO2、Fe2O3、CaO、TiO2等。在生产工艺中必须测定其含量,才能正确的配料,进入生
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摘 要:以系统功能语法框架下的主位推进模式为理论基础,分析了散文《西欧的夏天》张培基译文里主位推进模式的运用。本文指出,多种主位推进模式的综合使用不仅为翻译技巧提供了更加科学的解释而且也为如何提高译文质量提供了一个新的思考角度。同时,本文也点明了主位推进模式在保证语篇衔接与连贯性方面的重要作用。  关键词:主位推进模式;主位和述位;《西欧的夏天》  一、从主位和述位角度分析原文的语篇组织  1.主