From the latter half of 1952, the Soviet biology community conducted a heated discussion on species and species formation. Our scientific community attaches great importance to this discussion from the very beginning. The Science Press has titled the article “Discussion on Species and Species Formation,” and has now published an article in the form of a collection of essays that have now been published 18 episodes (Episode 19 to Episode 20 in typography). The reason for the discussion was that Academician Lysenko published his own opinion on species concepts and species formation in 1950 with the title of “New Perspectives on Species in Science”. Under the leadership of Academician Sukaczeh and Professor Durbin Some Soviet scientists, disagreeing with Lysenko, first raised their objections in the Journal of Botany. Then many scholars in the Soviet Union expressed their opinions on this issue in some magazines related to biology. The first focus of discussion was on the concept of species, and Lysenko proposed two criteria for species: one is that individuals of all species can not mate under normal, normal conditions, and even normal matings can not produce normal