Production-teaching-research of a Commercial Aircraft Corporation in the Chinese Industry Chain

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtt1027
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For the future development of a commercial aircraft corporation, this paper focused on the research and technological innovation model in an industrial chain and explored how to promote the sustainable development of technological innovation on the basis of the Chinese aviation industry. It puts forward several ways to reinforce cooperation, such as strengthening policies and regulations, government′s support for research cooperations, accelerating construction of the production-teaching-research oriented public technology platform and service system, and firming the industry awareness of universities and research institutes, and so on. For the future development of a commercial aircraft corporation, this paper focused on the research and technological innovation model in an industrial chain and explored how to promote the sustainable development of technological innovation on the basis of the Chinese aviation industry. It puts forward several ways to reinforce cooperation, such as strengthening policies and regulations, government's support for research cooperations, accelerating construction of the production-teaching-research oriented public technology platform and service system, and firming the industry awareness of universities and research institutes, and so on.
在复杂结构的动态设计中,应变测量和应力计算是分析结构在动载下进行强度 设计和疲劳寿命估算的关键。文章给出了预测振动应交响应的模态模型;并从这一基本 模型出发,系统阐明了
俗话说:“水火不相融!”是呀,水和火碰在一起,不是水浇灭火,就是火烧干水,怎么可能“水火相融”呢?可人就不一样了啊,你不信?我家就有一个“水火相融”的老妈,你且听我一一道来。  我的妈妈个子不高,却拥有一双堪比孙悟空“火眼金睛”的大眼睛,我的任何秘密都逃不过她的“法眼”。平时她的脸上布满温柔的微笑,每当我一进家门,耳边就会响起妈妈温柔而热情的声音:“宝宝回来啦,洗手吃水果吧!”吃着甜甜的水果,看着
一对好朋友正乘坐缆车游玩。当缆车走到中途高空时,其中一个突然大声向另一个说话。你认为他(她)说的是什么呢?A.“我也要住进那样的房子!” A pair of friends are riding
现状一:学生书写能力差,卷容马虎。  原因:一是学习任务重,时间紧,没有耐心写好字;二是老师要求不严、指导不力。  对策:抓写字训练,练好书写基本功。  以写字教育为突破口实施素质教育,培养良好的写字习惯,较快地提高书写水平。写字教育不仅能使学生写好字,而且能培养学生认真细心的良好习惯,磨炼学生刻苦顽强的品质,养成学生高雅乐观的情趣。  现状二:写作“无米下锅”,文章语言干巴,内容空洞。  原因:
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