●可致人精神错乱的“传音入密”声波武器。据《洛杉矶时报》2004年3月报道,驻伊美军将在近期内配备一种新型声波武器。这种名为“秘密尖叫”的武器利用婴儿尖叫的原理,以声波束攻击敌人,有效射程可达300米。 据悉,美科学家们开发出的这项新技术,很像中国武侠书中的“传音入密”,用它可以产生出一束极为狭窄的声波,使得只有特定的接受者才能听见。这种高度“定向”的声音,听起来就好像来自你的面前,而事实上
● can cause insanity “acoustic” secret acoustic weapons. According to “Los Angeles Times” reported in March 2004, the U.S. military stationed in Iraq will be equipped with a new type of sonic weapon in the near future. Known as the Secret Scream Weapon, which uses the sound of a baby scream to attack an enemy with a sound beam, the effective range is 300 meters. It is learned that the new technology developed by the scientists in the United States resembles the “acoustical translucency” in the Chinese martial arts book. It can generate a very narrow sound wave so that only certain recipients can hear it. This highly “directional” sound sounds as if it came from you, in fact