兹报道一例以多发性浆膜炎及乳腺浸润为首发症状的急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)如下。陈某,女性,44岁,住院号12217,咳嗽、气促半月于1987年11月25日入院。体检:R 22次/分,BP130/80mmHg,无紫癜,左颈部二枚淋巴结,1×0.5cm,质韧,无压痛。胸骨压痛。左乳房外下近乳晕处触及一2×1.5cm 肿块,无压痛,活动度好.左下肺叩浊,语颤及呼吸音减弱至消失。心界双测扩大.心音较低钝,律齐,100/分,肝肋下3cm,质实,脾未触及,腹水征阴性。化验:Hb106g/L,WBC36.0×
A case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with multiple serositis and breast infiltrates as the first symptom is reported below. Chen, female, 44 years old, hospital number 12217, cough, shortness of breath on November 25, 1987 admission. Physical examination: R 22 times / min, BP 130 / 80mmHg, no purpura, two lymph nodes left neck, 1 × 0.5cm, quality tough, no tenderness. Sternal tenderness. The left breast near the outer areola touch a 2 × 1.5cm mass, no tenderness, good activity.Under the left lung knock turbid, quivering and breath sounds weakened to disappear. Heart double to expand heart sound low blunt, law Qi, 100 / min, liver ribs 3cm, quality, spleen not touched, ascites sign negative. Assay: Hb106g / L, WBC36.0 ×