Adaptive segmentation of digital mammograms through reinforcement learning

来源 :光学精密工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:deng5384588
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An approach based on reinfocement learning for the automated segmentation is presented. The approach consists of two modules:segmentation module and learning module. The segmentation module uses the region-growing algorithm combined with the smooth filtering and the morphological filtering to segment mammograms. The learning module uses the segmentation output as the feedback to learn to select the optimal parameter settings of the segmentation algorithm according to the image properties using reinforcement learning techniques. The approach can adapt itself to various kinds of mammograms through training and therefore obviates the tedious and error-prone tuning of parameter settings manually. Quantitative test results show that the approach is accurate for several kinds of mammograms. Compared to previously proposed approaches,the approach is more adaptable to different mammograms. An approach based on reinfocement learning for the automated segmentation is presented. The approach consists of two modules: segmentation module and learning module. The segmentation module uses the region-growing algorithm combined with the smooth filtering and the morphological filtering to segment mammograms. The learning module uses the segmentation output as the feedback to learn to select the optimal parameter settings of the segmentation algorithm according to the image properties using reinforcement learning techniques. The approach can adapt itself to various kinds of mammograms through training and therefore obviates the tedious and error- prone tuning of parameter settings manually. Quantitative test results show that the approach is accurate for several kinds of mammograms. Compared to previously proposed approaches, the approach is more adaptable to different mammograms.
(一) 保险上所称的“危险”可表现为效果刚好相反的两种情形:A、保险所欲消除之危险,学者称之为“保险危险(risk)”,其为保险法所保障,B、保险所引起的危险,学者称之为“道
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<正> 中国法学会婚姻法学研究会92—93年年会于5月中旬在深圳市召开。来自全国各地的专家学者50余人参加了会议。与会者就如何进一步完善我国的婚姻家庭法律制度的有关问题进行了广泛、深入的探讨。现将本次会议讨论的几个主要问题综述如下: 一、关于婚姻法的名称和体系法律名称应根据其调整对象的范围来确定。世界各国调整婚姻家庭关系的法律名称可归纳为四种:婚姻法、家庭法、婚姻家庭法、亲属法。我国婚姻法调整的范围不仅包括婚姻关系,而且包括家庭关系。因此,多数与会者主张从名实相符的命名原则出发,将我国婚姻法
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