本文用β-环糊精(β-CD)制备B-CD-水合氯醛混合液对小鼠催眠作用的药效学特性进行了研究.以小鼠翻正反射消失为指标观察药理效应,并以单纯及舍琼脂糖浆的水合氯醛制剂作对照.证明小鼠入睡时间较后两者分别缩短37.5%和52.4%;睡眠时间分别延长72.96%和64.84%.混合液的催眠活性显著增强,且在0.5%~20.%范围内随β-CD 浓度的增加而提高。另外还证明了产生同等效应的剂量低于常规制剂,提示用该混合物治疗时应减少用量。
In this paper, β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) Preparation of B-CD-chloral hydrate pharmacodynamic properties of hypnotic mice were observed in mice disappearance of reflex as an indicator of pharmacological effects and Compared with chloral hydrate alone and agar syrup, the results showed that the mice sleep time was reduced by 37.5% and 52.4% respectively, and the sleep time prolonged by 72.96% and 64.84%, respectively. The hypnotic activity of mixed solution was significantly increased Increases with increasing β-CD concentration in the range of 0.5% -20%. In addition, it was demonstrated that the equivalent dose was lower than that of the conventional formulation, suggesting that the dose should be reduced when the mixture is treated.