编辑同志: 我有高血压,有人建议我倒立锻炼,有人不赞成竟能否倒立? 洛阳 裴立恒洛阳 裴立恒先生: 说起倒立,许多患有心血管病的人想到就怕,人一倒立,头部血压马上会升高,那还不会引起脑溢血啊!实际情况并非如此。实践证明,倒立、爬行等低头锻炼活动对心血管疾病反而有一定的防治作用。这是因为在生物进化过程中,人体由爬行改为直立,全身的血液分配也起了很大的变化,约有70%的血液处在心脏的水平面以下,
Editor comrades: I have high blood pressure, some people suggest that I upside down exercise, some people do not agree that it can upside down? Luoyang Pei Liheng Pei Liheng Luoyang: Speaking of handstand, many people suffering from cardiovascular disease think afraid, an inverted hand, head pressure Will immediately rise, it will not cause stroke! The actual situation is not the case. Practice has proved that inverted, crawling and other bow exercises exercise on cardiovascular disease but have a preventive effect. This is because in the process of biological evolution, the body changed from crawling to erect, the blood distribution of the whole body has also undergone great changes, about 70% of the blood is below the level of the heart,