一九六八年川端康成在诺贝尔文学奖颁奖仪式上发表了题为《美丽日本的我》的讲演。他在讲演中举出很多日本著名的和歌、俳句 ,如两次引用十三世纪从中国将曹洞宗引入日本的道元禅师的题为《本来面目》的和歌“春有花开夏鸟鸣 ,秋日明月冬雪冷” ,极言日本文化的特殊性之一可以
In 1968 Kawabata Yasunari delivered a speech entitled “Beautiful Japan, Me” at the Nobel Prize for Literature Prize. In his speech, he cited many famous Japanese songs and haiku, such as the hymn titled “The True Story,” which quoted the 13th century Zen master Tao Yuan from Japan, Japanese moon and winter snow cold, "one of the most particularities of Japanese culture can be