
来源 :中国公共安全 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pb2001
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时间就像白驹过隙,转眼二十年过去。这二十年,安防行业的变化可谓天翻地覆。《中国公共安全》杂志作为安防行业创办最早的杂志,见证了中国安防行业这二十年来的发展和变迁。三十年前,中国安防产品生产制造基本还是空白。上世纪80年代,随着各地金融机构、重要场所陆续安装探测报警器和监控摄像机,大量进口安防产品开始通过香港进入中国大陆市场销售,从而催生出一批安防产品代理经销商。从某种意义上可以说,他们是中国第一代安防人。 Time is fleeting, a blink of an eye two decades later. In these two decades, the security industry has seen tremendous changes. As the earliest magazine set up by the security industry, “China Public Security” magazine witnessed the development and changes of China’s security industry over the past two decades. Thirty years ago, China’s security products manufacturing basic or blank. 80s of last century, with financial institutions around the country, one after another installation of detection alarm and surveillance cameras, a large number of imported security products began to enter the mainland China market through Hong Kong sales, which spawned a group of security products agent dealers. In a sense, they can be said that they are China’s first generation of security personnel.
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