First, logical thinking is a common methodology in the field of editing At present, research on editing science is in the ascendant and deepens. However, one striking fact that people ignore is that editorial disciplines do not have their own universal methodology that distinguishes them from other disciplines, and this has a decisive influence on the study and development of editorial science. The establishment of any discipline without its methodology is unthinkable and impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to complete the advanced level of philosophical construction, form a scientific and complete system and recognize its essence (such as the controversy over the definition of editing concept at present), but its methodology is also indispensable of. In a sense, the establishment of methodology is the key to the breakthrough of editorial disciplines. However, some studies in academia on some specific editorial methods (which are very popular at present and are not listed here) are of some significance but only Stay in the “editorial” research, which can only be limited to the editorial study