教材是重要的课程资源,也是课程改革实施中的重要载体。从 2004年秋季开始,江苏南通地区推广使用了人教版初中思想品德课新教材。新教材的主要特点有以下几点:避免德育课程学科化的倾向,追求教材内容的整合性:注重学习的过程与方法,体现教育内容的生成性;教材有必要的留白,强化学生道德、思维能力的培养:语
The textbook is an important curriculum resource and an important carrier in the implementation of curriculum reform. Since the autumn of 2004, the Nantong area in Jiangsu Province has promoted the use of a new teaching material for junior high school ideological and moral education. The main features of the new textbook are the following: Avoiding the tendency of subject-based moral education curriculum, pursuing the integration of teaching material content: focusing on the process and methods of learning, embodying the generative nature of educational content; teaching materials have necessary margins, strengthening student morality, The cultivation of thinking skills: language