A New Approach for Segregation Control in Alloys by High Magnetic Field Gradients and Its Applicatio

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leovvex
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In this study,the effects of high magnetic field gradients on the segregation of alloying elements,crystallized phases,and particles in alloys during solidification process and corresponding microstructures were discussed.It was confirmed that applying an external high magnetic field gradient during solidification process is an effective processing route for controlling segregation in alloys and then fabricating functional materials which have special microstructures and properties.Such controlling and fabrication were realized by controlling the migration of the alloying elements,crystallized phases,and particles in the liquid matrix on the basis of the Lorentz and magnetic forces. In this study, the effects of high magnetic field gradients on the segregation of alloying elements, crystallized phases, and particles in alloys during solidification process and corresponding microstructures were discussed. It was confirmed that applying an external high magnetic field gradient during solidification process is an effective processing route for controlling segregation in alloys and then fabricating functional materials which have special microstructures and properties. Control and fabrication were realized by controlling the migration of the alloying elements, crystallized phases, and particles in the liquid matrix on the basis of the Lorentz and magnetic forces.
病史摘要 患者,男,23岁,农民。于1991年5月20日因四肢发麻、活动不灵4个多月入院。缘于4个月前劳累后四肢麻木、酸痛,继而无力,迈步费劲,由下肢往上肢发展。无说话、吞咽障
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