
来源 :教育理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong590
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目前,大批终生为教育事业呕心沥血,并做出卓越贡献的中学骨干教师,将陆续退离教学岗位,占教师总数的50%以上的35岁以下的青年教师,很自然地将要成为跨世纪的教师队伍的主体.如何面向二十一世纪,培养出能够在二十一世纪成功的参与世界范围经济竞争的劳动大军和科技人才大军.将无疑地成为广大青年教师的重大历史使命.对此,教育界和社会各界的有识之士,无不予以极大的关注。对于加强普通中学教师队伍的建设,特别是关于青年教师自身素质的培养和提高,各级政府、各级教育主管部门、各个学校、均程度不同的出台了很多方案,形成了很多行为,产生了很多效应,总结了很多经验。一些青年教师已崭露头角,成为本地区、本学校的教育教学骨干.但是,我们必须清醒地看到,青年教师将要肩负的艰巨的历史使命和青年教师队伍的总体现实状况之间,还存在着相当大的反差,一些令人十分忧虑的问题,还没有引起我们足够的重视和采取高强度的对策。 At present, a large number of middle school backbone teachers who have devoted themselves to education for life and have made outstanding contributions will gradually retire from their teaching posts. Young teachers under 35 years of age who account for more than 50% of the total number of teachers naturally naturally become teachers of the new century As the main body of the contingent, how to face the 21st century and cultivate an army capable of successfully participating in world economic competition in the 21st century will undoubtedly become a major historic mission of the vast number of young teachers. In this regard, education World and people of insight from all sectors of society, all without exception, great attention. In order to strengthen the construction of regular secondary school teachers, especially about the cultivation and improvement of the young teachers' own qualities, various levels of government, education authorities at all levels and schools have introduced many programs to a great extent and have formed many behaviors and have produced Many effects, summed up a lot of experience. Some young teachers have come to the fore and become the backbone of the school's education and teaching in this region, but we must clearly see that there is still a considerable gap between the arduous historic mission to be shouldered by young teachers and the overall reality of the ranks of young teachers. The great contrast and some very worrisome issues have not given us enough attention and taken high-intensity measures.
论文结束了,三年的“博士生活”也要结束了!人生就要迈入另一个时期,命运又将迎来新的挑战。是欢喜,还是忧虑?是兴奋,还是感伤?我不知道,一切都是那么茫然。 The essay is o
建设和谐社会要以科学发展观为指导,以民主宪政、市场经济和宽容精神为基础,必须坚持宪政原则,不断完善宪政制度。 To build a harmonious society, guided by the scientif