高平市龙顶山煤业有限公司的前身是龙 顶山煤矿,建于1952年,曾有过“外学郸钢, 内学山焦,近学龙顶山”的光荣历史。1997年 在高平市第一批改制企业中建立股份合作制 企业。现有职工350人,固定资产1200余万 元,年生产能力15万吨,产品为无烟煤种,煤 质优良,是化工冶炼和民用的最佳燃料,远销 全国各地,倍受用户欢迎。 2003年该公司生产高速度、快发展,取得 了骄人的经济效益。1月至10月份累计完成 产量13.5万吨,工业增加值610万元,完成 销售收入2000万元,实现利税1100万元,利 润突破千万元大关,各项指标提前两个月完 成全年任务。 公司的成绩来之不易,是公司全体干部职 工同心同德不懈努力的结果。以董事长焦高
The predecessor of Longdingshan Coal Industry Co., Ltd. Of Gaoping City was established in 1952 by the Longding Mountain Coal Mine. There was a glorious history of “learning from the outside world, focusing on the mountain and learning from the mountains”. In 1997, the first restructuring of Gaoping City, the establishment of joint-stock cooperative enterprises. Existing staff of 350 people, more than 1,200 yuan in fixed assets, annual production capacity of 150,000 tons, the product is anthracite species, excellent quality of coal, chemical smelting and civil best fuel, are exported all over the country, much welcomed by users. In 2003 the company produced high-speed, rapid development, and achieved remarkable economic benefits. January to October total production 135,000 tons, the industrial added value of 6.1 million yuan, the sales income of 20 million yuan, profits and taxes 11 million yuan, profits exceeded 10 million yuan mark, the indicators completed two months ahead of schedule task. The hard-earned achievements of the company are the result of unremitting efforts by all cadres and workers of the company to work in unison. Focus on the chairman of the board