The phenomenon of tailpipe shooting occurs during the movement of the super-vacuumed projectile, causing the structure to vibrate, affecting the ballistic stability of the projectile and reducing the reliability of the projectile structure. In this paper, the unrestrained dynamic equation of projectile is established. The dynamic response of the super-vacuumed projectile under tail load is solved by the finite element method. The reinforcement model of the projectile is analyzed. The influence of the number of stiffeners, diameter and spacing on reducing the amplitude of the projectile. The results show that the rotation period and the amplitude of the super-vacuumed projectile increase with the increase of the number of stiffeners. The elastic vibration amplitude of the projectile head increases with the number of stiffeners and the diameter And the vibration period decreases with the increase of the number of stiffeners. The decrease of the stiffener distance has a significant effect on reducing the amplitude of the middle of the projectile, but has little effect on the head vibration of the projectile.