折价优待作为一种促销方式,已经是屡见不鲜,顾客对此几乎达到不屑一顾的地步,而名目繁多的促销方式,诸如赔本大甩卖,买一送一,原价多少、现价多少等等各种变相的折价优待方式更是铺天盖地。坦是,令人遗憾地发现,很大一部分不能够达到预期的效果,甚至于使原来销略可以的产品也落了个山穷水尽的地步。究其原因,我认为,折价优待这一方式不宜经常使用,绝不是放之四海皆准的真理,只有恰到好处地运用这一方式,才能达到预期的效果。那么究竟应该如何地运用这一方式来促销呢?必须抓住以下两点: 其一,必须是有所原因促销让利,并
As a kind of promotion method, discounted preferential treatment is already commonplace, and customers have almost reached the point of dismissively, and numerous promotion methods, such as large-scale loss sale, buy one get one, how much the original price, how much the current price and so on in disguise The discounted preferential treatment method is overwhelming. Frankly, it is regrettable to find that a large part of it is not able to achieve the desired results, even to the point where the original products can be sold out. The reason for this, I think, is that discounted and preferential treatment should not be used frequently. It is by no means a universally applicable truth. Only by properly using this method can we achieve the desired results. So, how should we use this method to promote sales? We must seize the following two points: First, it must be for some reason to promote sales, and