天安门广场是当今世界上最大的城市广场,那高高飘扬的五星红旗就如同中国跳动的脉搏,历经50年沧桑,依然鲜艳夺目。那么,国旗又是如何飘扬起来的呢? 1949年10月1日的开国大典上,按照预定程序,由毛泽东主席亲自升起天安门广场上的中华人民共和国第一面五星红旗。升旗过程是经过电控来完成的。城楼上有一个电钮开关,按相反方向写好了“升降”二字。当大会秘书长林伯渠郑重宣布“请毛主席升旗”时,毛泽东主席用他那扭转乾坤的巨
Tiananmen Square is the largest urban plaza in the world today. The high-flying five-star red flag is just like the pulse of China. After 50 years of vicissitudes, it is still vivid and eye-catching. How did the national flag fly? On the founding ceremony of October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong personally raised the first five-star red flag of the People’s Republic of China on Tiananmen Square according to a predetermined procedure. The flag-raising process is done electronically. There is a push button switch on the tower, written in the opposite direction “lift” the word. When General Secretary Lin Boquru solemnly declared “Please Chairman Mao’s flag,” Chairman Mao Tse-tung used his enormous turnaround