How to calculate the total amount of goods purchased, there are generally three kinds of opinions: At present, one opinion is irrespective of whether a single shipment arrives, and the single arrival does not arrive or the goods arrival has not yet arrived. Both are accounted for in the “in-transit goods” account and used as “in transit goods” account. The increase in the amount of party purchases as a total amount of purchases of goods is based on the payment of purchases as a sign of the establishment of purchase of goods. The second type advocates the use of the concurrent household method for accounting of purchases of goods. The total amount of purchases of goods is equal to the amount of increase in the “in transit goods” account + the amount of deduction from the account. It is based on the combination of the payment of goods to obtain the ownership of the goods and the fact that they have not paid but have obtained the actual right to control the goods. The third is to advocate the use of the household law for commodity purchase accounting. The total purchase amount of goods is equal to the value of the “inventory goods” account.