With regard to the composition, stable isotopes and trace element characteristics of hydrothermal fluids in the shear zone gold deposits, it is difficult to draw a clear conclusion on the origin of the ore-forming fluid. There are four possible sources of ore-forming fluids: metamorphic, magmatic, mantle-derived, lower crustal granulomatization and the source of deep-cycle groundwater. The first three sources have geochemical evidence and can not completely rule out their possibility. The fourth source has not been accepted by most scientific workers because it contradicts the feature of low salinity and high pressure in shear zone fluids. The evidence provided by the isotopic homogenization of the ore-forming fluid in the same deposit or area shows that homogenization occurs before the ore-forming fluids enter the shear zone, that is, there is a uniform fluid zone beneath the shear zone. The physicochemical parameters of the ore-forming fluids that are most closely related to the shear-band motions are temperature, pressure and phase. Fluid-phase separation is a common feature of shear-zone ore-forming fluids and reflects the control of gold mineralization by shear zones. Fluid is the medium of shear zone activity and mineralization. The study of fluid geochemical characteristics is one of the important ways to understand the source of ore-forming fluid and metallogenic element. It is very important to know the source of metallogenic material in the study of the relationship between shear zone and mineralization. Without mineralization sources, mineralization does not occur even in the most favorable tectonic setting, such as chemical activity of fluid activities and mineral deposits. There are two ways to record fluid in shear zone: one is the alteration mineral assemblage formed by the mutual reaction between fluid and surrounding rock; the other is fluid inclusions in altered minerals and gangue minerals. They are the study of geochemical characteristics of shear zone fluids