寿光日光温室栽培丝瓜,通过“回”字形落蔓、假单干整枝、鲜花处理等措施,每667 m~2年收益达到10万~12万元,效益显著。山东寿光日光温室鲜花丝瓜栽培经过20多年的发展,积累了丰富的管理经验,寿光市洛城街道和圣城街道东部一带多年来进行“保鲜花”丝瓜栽培,这种鲜花丝瓜花黄、瓜绿、花蕾在丝瓜上能维持一周以上,商品价值高,常年栽培面积3 333.3hm~2(5万亩),通过合理密植、“回”字形落蔓、
Shouguang greenhouse cultivation of sponge gourd, through the “back ” shaped drop vine, fake single pruning, flowers and other measures to deal with every 667 m ~ 2 years to reach 100,000 to 120,000 yuan, significant benefits. Shandong Shouguang greenhouse cultivation of fresh flowers after 20 years of development, has accumulated rich management experience, Shouguang City, Los Angeles streets and the streets east of the holy city for many years to carry out “fresh flowers” loofah cultivation, this flowers loofah yellow, Melon green, buds can be maintained on loofah for more than a week, high commodity value, perennial cultivated area of 3 333.3hm ~ 2 (50000 mus), through reasonable close planting, “back ” shape drop vine,