Internal force and deformation matrixes and their applications in load path

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzdlily_7000
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This paper deals with the internal force and the deformation matrixes, both of which can be used to analyze the topological relationship of a structure. Based on the reciprocal theorem, the relationship between the two matrixes is established, which greatly simplifies the computation of the internal force matrix. According to the characteristics of the internal force matrix, the transfer law of the matrix itself (due to the removal of components) is established based on the principle of linear superposition. With the relation of the two matrixes, the transfer law of the deformation matrix is also obtained. The transfer law illuminates the change regularity of internal force or deformation of the remnant structure when certain members are cut off one after another. The results of numerical examples show that the proposed methods are correct, reliable and effective. This paper deals with the internal force and the deformation matrixes, both of which can be used to analyze the topological relationship of a structure. Based on the reciprocal theorem, the relationship between the two matrixes is established, which simpl simplifies the computation of the internal force matrix. According to the characteristics of the internal force matrix, the transfer law of the matrix itself (due to the removal of components) is established based on the principle of linear superposition. With the relation of the two matrixes, the transfer law of The transfer of illuminates the change regularity of internal force or deformation of the remnant structure when certain members are cut off one after another. The results of numerical examples show that the proposed methods are correct, reliable and effective.
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