小狐狸是个很调皮的孩子,他总想跟森林里的伙伴们开个什么玩笑。一天,他大清早就躲进了草丛里,准备找机会吓吓胆小的梅花鹿。谁知,梅花鹿没等到,自己却踩着什么摔了一跤。低头一看,哟,是一颗圆溜溜的水晶球。水晶球晶莹透亮,上面映着一座美丽的森林。啊,这不就是我们的森林吗!——小狐狸认出来了。可是,不一会儿,水晶球上的森林突然倒塌了。山崩地裂一般,可吓人啦!哈哈,水晶球也爱开玩笑哪! 这下,小狐狸可乐了。他把水晶球藏进了口袋,扯开了尖嗓门到处乱叫:“不得了啦,要地震啦!快跑吧,快往山顶跑呀!”顿时,森林里乱成一片。所有的动物都慌慌张张地往山顶奔跑,斑马撞上了狗熊,金丝猴绊倒了梅花鹿,树枝勾住了长颈鹿的脖子,胖熊
Little fox is a very naughty child, he always wanted to joke with the forest partners. One day, he hid in the grass early in the morning, ready to look for opportunities to scare timid sika. Who knows, sika deer did not wait, what they are stepping on a fall. Look down, yo, is a round yo-yo crystal ball. Crystal ball crystal clear, reflected above a beautiful forest. Ah, is not this our forest? - The little fox recognized it. However, a moment later, the forest on the crystal ball suddenly collapsed. Landslide crack in general, can be scary! Haha, crystal ball also love joking! Here, a small fox Coke. He hid the crystal ball in his pocket and pulled his sharp voice to screams, “Excuse me, I want an earthquake! Let’s run and go to the top of the mountain!” Suddenly, the forest was in turmoil. All the animals panicked to the top of the hill, the zebra hitting the bear, the golden monkey tripping over the sika deer, the branch hooking the neck of the giraffe, the fat bear