蛋糕房:价高挡不住的诱惑 时下流行的蛋糕房以制作水果奶油蛋糕为主,尤其可以当场订做,其价格也要比传统的奶油蛋糕高一些。比如“味多美”店里的“心”形500克水果奶油蛋糕要比奶油蛋糕多8元,“两颗心相连” 型的1250克水果奶油蛋糕要比奶油蛋糕高20元。与“味多美”一街之隔的“步步高”西饼店也明码标价:一盒奶油蛋糕小型的40元,中型的58元,大型的要78元,最昂贵的特大三层奶油蛋糕666元,而与之相对应的水果奶油蛋糕的价格分别达到48元、76元、98元和999元。虽然订制的价格不菲,但光顾者仍是不少。一位正在挑选蛋样的小伙子表示,一般商店里多经营奶油蛋糕而少水果奶油蛋糕,自己担心时间久易变质,订做既新鲜又有很大的选择余地,而且还可以随心所欲地写上想表达的内容。
Cake room: the temptation to stay high The popular cake shop to produce fruit cream cake, especially on the spot to build, the price is higher than the traditional cream cake. For example, “heart-shaped” shop “heart” shaped 500 grams of fruit butter cake than butter cake 8 yuan more, “two hearts connected” type of 1250 grams of fruit cream cake 20 yuan higher than the butter cake. And the “beauty of the United States,” across the street “backgammon” cake shops are also clearly marked price: a box of small 40 yuan cream cake, medium-sized 58 yuan, large to 78 yuan, the most expensive extra large three-tier cream cake 666 yuan, The corresponding price of fruit cream cake reached 48 yuan, 76 yuan, 98 yuan and 999 yuan. Although the custom price is high, but patronage is still a lot. A young man who is picking egg-like samples said that in general the shops are more engaged in the production of creamy cakes and fewer fruit-cream cakes, worrying about perishable things for a long time and making fresh and great choices as well as writing whatever they want The content of expression