一、填空题 1.((-2)~2)~(1/2)= . 2.不等式x~2-3x+2>0的解集是 . 3.a~2x~2+1/16b~2y~2+ =(ax+1/4by)~2. 4.函数的自变量x的取值范围是 . 5.已知|a+4|+(b-3)~(1/2)=0,则5(a-b)~(-1)= . 6.(-m~(-3))~2+(-m~2)~3= . 7.n边形的内角和是外角和的 倍. 8.已知圆外切等腰梯形的一腰长为m,则这个等腰梯形的中位线的长为 . 9.如图,AB∥CD,∠1=100°.∠2=120°,则∠a= .
1. Fill in the blank question 1.((-2)~2)~(1/2)= . 2. The solution set of inequality x~2-3x+2>0 is 3.a~2x~2+1/16b ~2y~2+ = (ax+1/4by)~2. 4. The range of the argument x of the function is 5. Known|a+4|+(b-3)~(1/2) =0, then 5(ab)~(-1)= . 6.(-m~(-3))~2+(-m~2)~3= . The internal and external angles of the 7.n polygon are The times. 8. Known circle isosceles trapezoid waist length is m, then this isosceles trapezoidal median line length. 9. Figure, AB∥CD,∠1=100°.∠2 =120°, then ∠a=.