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  I did not introduce myself to you. My name is Tony Posnanski. I have been a restaurant manager for fifteen years now. My day consists of making sure my restaurant runs well. That could mean washing dishes, cooking and sometimes even serving tables. I have also dealt with every guest complaint you can imagine.
  A few weeks back you came into my restaurant. I was very busy that night. I was running around helping cook food in the kitchen. I was asked to talk to a table close to yours. I did and they said your child was being very loud. I heard some yelling while I was talking to that table. I heard a very loud beep from a young girl.
  I started to walk to your table. You knew what I was going to ask. You saw the table I just spoke to pointing at you. I got to your table and you looked at me. You wanted the first word. You said,
  “Do you know what it is like to have a child with autism?”
  You were not rude when you asked the question. In fact, you were quite sincere1. Your daughter could not have been more than five years old. She was beautiful and looked scared that I was at the table. She looked like she thought she was in trouble.
  In fifteen years I do not have a lot of memorable2 moments as a restaurant manager. I remember some guests who were mad that their burger was not the way they wanted it. I remember a woman who called corporate on me because she said I gave her a regular Coke instead of a Diet Coke. I remember having to keep people from drinking alcohol3 and I remember having to tell tables to have their child be quieter.
  However, I do remember everything about the day my son was born. How I cried when I heard him cry. How I stood there and told him I would do anything for him and be the best father possible. I remember the day I married my wife. How I cried and promised to be the best husband possible. I remember the day my daughter was born. I did not cry that day. I was just so relieved4 because I lost a child two years earlier.   然而,我却记得儿子出生那天的一切。当听到他的哭声时,我喜极而泣。我站在那里告诉他,我会为他做任何事情,会尽可能地做一个最棒的爸爸。我记得我与妻子结婚的那天,我流着泪,承诺着要努力做个最称职丈夫。我还记得女儿出生的那天。那次我没有哭泣。在她出生的两年前我失去了我的儿子,而如今又重新拥有一个新生命使我终于感到了宽慰。
  I know what I was supposed to5 say when I went to your table. I was supposed to politely tell you to please not have your daughter yell. I was supposed to offer to move you to another area. I was supposed to offend6 you by not offending you... I did not do any of that.
  当我走向您时,我很清楚自己应该说些什么。我本应该礼貌地请您让您的女儿停止喊叫,或给你们提供另一个区域的桌子就座。我本应该向您提出这些请求,用一种并不冒犯您的方式。 但是,我并没那样做。
  Instead I just told you I hoped your meal was awesome7. I high fived8 your daughter and then I told you that your meal was on us tonight. It was only sixteen dollars. It meant more to me than that. I do not think the other guests I spoke to were happy about it. At that moment it did not matter to me.
  I did not know how you reacted. I had to leave to cook because the kitchen was not doing very good that night. When the server asked me why I bought the food I just said you did not enjoy your steak9. I did not tell anyone what you said to me. I was thankful you did say it to me though.
  You asked me a question that I did not answer. The truth is I do not know what it is like to have a child with autism. I know what it is like to be a father. I know what it is like to be a husband. I know what it is like to not tell his wife how much he loves her enough. I know what it is like to want to spend more time with his children.
  You asked me the question right away. You have been through this before in other restaurants. I did not want to be like other managers for one moment. I did not want to tell you what you always heard.
  Honestly, I wrote this to you and your beautiful daughter because I wanted to thank you both.
  You have given me a great restaurant memory. One that I needed for the last fifteen years.
  You also taught me a valuable lesson—Sometimes doing the right thing does not make everyone happy; just the people who need it the most.
  Tony Posnanski
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【编者注】 农历九月九日是我国传统的重阳节,又称“老人节”。 重阳节早在战国时期就已经形成,到了唐代,重阳被正式定为民间的节日。今年的重阳节是2012年10月23日。  民俗活动  重阳节是综合多种民俗为一体而形成的汉族传统节日。庆祝重阳节一般包括出游赏景、登高远眺、观赏菊花、遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒等活动。九在数字中是最大的,所以九九重阳节有长久长寿的含意。秋季也是一年收获的黄金季节,重阳佳