对中国画有许多不同的解释,如“中国的绘画”、“传统的绘画”以及“水墨画”,意指凡是用旧媒材和颜料画在中国纸或绢上表现流行已久的题材的绘画。为了方便起见,在这里都用“水墨画”来统称。 一 “传统文化作为中国古老社会的产物,随着这一产物的发展与古老社会的衰落,传统文化中本来所具有的积极因素和进取精神也日益被扭曲被窒息而走向停滞、僵化和没落”(李泽厚)。传统绘画题材的僵化,笔墨的浮虚,意境的薄弱,人性的贫乏,愈到后来离文人画完美的最高点也愈远,
There are many different interpretations of Chinese painting, such as “Chinese painting”, “traditional painting” and “ink painting”, which means the painting of a subject that has been popular on Chinese paper or silk with old media and paints for a long time. For the sake of convenience, we use the term “ink painting” here. As the result of the development of this product and the decline of ancient society, the traditional positive factors and enterprising spirit in traditional culture are increasingly being distorted and stifled to stagnate, rigid and declining " (Li Zehou). The fossilization of traditional painting themes, the fictional brushwork, the weakness of artistic conceptions, the paucity of human nature, and the farther away from the perfect highest point of literati painting,