The impact of sample processing on the rapid antigen detection test for SARS-CoV-2: Virus inactivati

来源 :生物安全与健康(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kathleen350191539
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Many factors have been identified as having the ability to affect the sensitivity of rapid antigen detection (RAD) tests for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This study aimed to identify the impact of sample processing on the sensitivity of the RAD tests. We explored the effect of different inactivation methods, viral transport media (VTM) solutions, and sample preservation on the sensitivity of four RAD kits based on two SARS-CoV-2 strains. Compared with non-inactivation, heat inactivation significantly impacted the sensitivity of most RAD kits; however, β-propiolactone inactivation only had a minor effect. Some of the VTM solutions (VTM2, MANTACC) had a significant influence on the sensitivity of the RAD kits, especially for low viral-loads samples. The detection value of RAD kits was slightly decreased, while most of them were still in the detection range with the extension of preservation time and the increase of freeze-thaw cycles. Our results showed that selecting the appropriate inactivation methods and VTM solutions is necessary during reagent development, performance evaluation, and clinical application.“,”Many factors have been identified as having the ability to affect the sensitivity of rapid antigen detection (RAD) tests for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This study aimed to identify the impact of sample processing on the sensitivity of the RAD tests. We explored the effect of different inactivation methods, viral transport media (VTM) solutions, and sample preservation on the sensitivity of four RAD kits based on two SARS-CoV-2 strains. Compared with non-inactivation, heat inactivation significantly impacted the sensitivity of most RAD kits; however, β-propiolactone inactivation only had a minor effect. Some of the VTM solutions (VTM2, MANTACC) had a significant influence on the sensitivity of the RAD kits, especially for low viral-loads samples. The detection value of RAD kits was slightly decreased, while most of them were still in the detection range with the extension of preservation time and the increase of freeze-thaw cycles. Our results showed that selecting the appropriate inactivation methods and VTM solutions is necessary during reagent development, performance evaluation, and clinical application.
采用氩弧焊将镍基Inconel 690合金覆板以搭接的形式,焊接于新型乏燃料水池材料双相不锈钢S32101的表面,并对比自熔焊和填充焊两种工艺对接头显微组织及力学性能的影响.结果表明,在合理的工艺条件下,两种工艺均可以获得成形良好的搭接接头,但填充焊可得到更大的搭接宽度,其抗拉强度最高可达538 MPa.焊后检测发现,焊缝组织主要由胞状晶所组成,其间分布有颗粒状铁素体析出物.两侧熔合线处呈现不同的结晶形貌,Inconel 690覆板侧具有明显的外延生长组织,而S32101侧则出现平面晶结构.与自熔焊相比,
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