
来源 :中学数学教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Duyixu
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在进行八年级“函数及其图像”(华东师范大学版,第17章)一章的教学时,我们曾广泛地与学生进行了交流与沟通,每每向学生问及函数这部分内容是否难学,课堂上能否听懂时,学生们的回答基本上都是:课堂上能听懂,也未感到课本上的函数内容有多难,老师讲的例题基本上都懂,但我们怎么就是想不到,还是有很多的习题做不出来呢?反思我们这么多年来的函数一章的教学,确实存在着像学生所说的情况:“课本容易,习题难”.那么,学生感到函数部分的习题难以解答,到底难在何处呢?本文是以所授班级的大多数学生为基础进行观察、交流和思考而形成的,尝试着对学生学习函数部分感到困难的原因进行分析.我们对与本章相关的教学辅导用书上的习题进行了解答与分析,结合与学生进行交流时所获取的信 During the eighth grade teaching of the chapter “Functions and Their Images” (East China Normal University Edition, Chapter 17), we had extensive exchanges and communication with students. Each time we asked the students whether this part of the function was Difficult to learn, the class can understand, the students are basically the answer: the class can understand, but also did not feel the contents of the textbook how hard the teacher talked about the example basically understand, but how do we There are still a lot of exercises that can not be done? Reflecting on our teaching of function chapters for so many years, there really exist what students say: “The textbooks are easy and the exercises are hard.” Then students feel Exercises in the function part are difficult to answer. What are the difficulties in the end? This article is based on observation, exchange and reflection on the basis of most of the students in the given class, and tries to analyze the reasons why students find it hard to learn the function part. We have answered and analyzed the exercises on the tutorial book related to this chapter, combined with the letters we got when we communicated with the students
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1 问题的提出对学生作业中的错误,国内外学者已经作了大量有益的工作,特别是随着建构主义数学观的兴起,对学生在解题中的错误又有了新的认识.Newman 认为学生在解题过程中,
《公路研究情报服务文摘》(Highway Re-search Information Service Abstracts 简称HRISA)由美国运输研究会(TRB)下属的运输研究情报服务处(IRIS)编辑出版。它是一种价值极
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