“先学后导 问题引领”教学模式的初步尝试

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近年来,我校以“先学后导、问题引领”为基本课堂教学模式,不断优化师生的互动状态,有效促进了教学质量的大面积提升。一、自主学习,优化学习“体验状态”教师把要学习的材料进行问题化处理,或是便于学生自主发现问题、解决问题的“导学化”处理,形成学生的课前预习问题,提供给学生自主学习,然后由小组长在课前检查学习情况,组织交流学习中的问题。上课时,由每一组的组员汇报本组 In recent years, our school has been basing on the teaching mode of “leading the first lesson and leading the problem” and constantly optimized the interaction between teachers and students, which effectively promoted the large-scale improvement of teaching quality. First, autonomous learning, optimizing learning “experience status ” Teachers to solve the problem of material to be learned, or to facilitate students to discover problems independently, solve the problem “guide learning ” processing, the formation of the students pre-class preview Problems, to provide students with independent study, and then by the team leader to check the learning situation before the class, organize the exchange of learning problems. Class, by the members of each group report to this group
中学生正处于生长发育的关键阶段,活泼好奇,求知欲强,可塑性大,接受新事物快,但容易偏激,比较盲目,阅读能力、鉴赏能力有所局限。同时,中学生也是一个充满活力的群体,他们朝气蓬勃,渴望尽快成长融入社会,又力求发展个性标新立异,对周围的世界富有好奇和探索的向往。  一.中学生课外阅读的特点  1、范围广泛  这是中学生较突出的特点。时事、军事、文娱等类书籍,因其贴近时代,与实际生活息息相关而成为部分同学