Efficient SRAM yield optimization with mixture surrogate modeling

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stage7
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Largely repeated cells such as SRAM cells usually require extremely low failure-rate to ensure a moderate chi yield.Though fast Monte Carlo methods such as importance sampling and its variants can be used for yield estimation,they are still very expensive if one needs to perform optimization based on such estimations.Typically the process of yield calculation requires a lot of SPICE simulation.The circuit SPICE simulation analysis accounted for the largest proportion of time in the process yield calculation.In the paper,a new method is proposed to address this issue.The key idea is to establish an efficient mixture surrogate model.The surrogate model is based on the design variables and process variables.This model construction method is based on the SPICE simulation to get a certain amount of sample points,these points are trained for mixture surrogate model by the lasso algorithm.Experimental results show that the proposed model is able to calculate accurate yield successfully and it brings significant speed ups to the calculation of failure rate.Based on the model,we made a further accelerated algorithm to further enhance the speed of the yield calculation.It is suitable for high-dimensional process variables and multi-performance applications. Largely repeated cells such as SRAM cells usually require extremely low failure-rate to ensure a moderate chi yield .hough fast Monte Carlo methods such as importance sampling and its variants can be used for yield estimation, they are still very expensive if one needs to perform optimization based on such estimations.Typically the process of yield calculation requires a lot of SPICE simulation. The circuit SPICE simulation analysis accounted for the largest proportion of time in the process yield calculation. the paper, a new method is proposed to address this issue The key idea is to establish an efficient mixture surrogate model. The surrogate model is based on the design variables and process variables. This model construction method is based on the SPICE simulation to get a certain amount of sample points, these points are trained for mixture surrogate model by the lasso algorithm.Experimental results show that the proposed model is able to calculate accurate yield successfully and it brings significant speed ups to the calculation of failure rate. Based on the model, we made a further accelerated algorithm to further enhance the speed of the yield calculation. It is suitable for high-dimensional process variables and multi-performance applications.
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No.Meeting日SubjecSpeaker︽International Conf on NuclearData for Science and兀c加cio凯Oct.7、12,2001,Tsukuba,JapanAnalysis for 加纲mtproduct proton Inducedreac加m
如果女儿拥有了今天这份执著,相信她一定能够笑对人生。我也相信总有一天,女儿会明白我们的良苦用心。 If the daughter has today’s dedication, I believe she will be a