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生活在当代,再也没有任何社会的基本单元比家庭受到的挑战更严重。无论在西方还是东方,各个民族国家的家庭行为和结构都发生了巨大变化,离婚率的上升正在使家庭陷入分崩离析之中。这一现象引起社会学家广泛的关注,对此作了不少解释。在众多著作中,号称“经济学帝国的最大殖民者”格雷·贝克的《家庭论》脱颖而出。1992年,贝克因其“将微观经济分析的领域扩大到包括非市场行为的人类行为和相互作用的广阔领域”而获得这一年度的诺贝尔经济学奖。用贝克的理论来解释人类的婚姻家庭确实有许多新的突破。婚姻市场的基本定理婚姻市场所表现的结果,并不是任一特定婚姻从单身到结婚之间的利得最大化,而是所有婚姻的总利得最大化。当然,家计单位所追求的商品产出并不同于国民生产总值通常认定和衡量的商品,而是包括了小孩子的量和质、性行为的满足以及其他从未被国民产出在内的商品。 Living in the contemporary era, there is no longer any social unit more challenging than the family. No matter in the west or the east, great changes have taken place in the family behavior and structure in all ethnic countries. The rising divorce rate is causing the family to fall into disintegration. This phenomenon has aroused widespread concern of sociologists, made a lot of explanation for this. Among the many works, the “family theory” called “the largest colonizer of the economic empire” by Gray Baker stands out. In 1992, Baker won the Nobel Prize for Economics for his “expansion of the field of microeconomic analysis to a broad area of ​​human behavior and interactions involving non-market behaviors.” There are indeed many new breakthroughs in using Baker’s theory to explain the marriage and family of men. The Basic Theorem of the Marriage Market The result of a marriage market is not the maximization of any particular marriage’s gain from single to marriage but the gross profit of all marriages. Of course, the output of goods pursued by household-based units is not the same as those generally identified and measured by gross national product but includes the quantity and quality of children, the satisfaction of sexual activity and other products that have never been domestically produced s product.
(一) 近年来,我国基本建设投资一再膨胀,曾迫使国家不得不采取某些调整、下马、放慢建设速度的措施来平衡财政、信贷。问题的形成除了有国家财力、物力不足以及土地征购和原
In this paper, the author explores the differences between curriculum and syllabus and introduces three types of the most influential syllabuses: the grammatica
影响职教发展的规模、速度的一个关键是教师队伍的素质,其中“双师型”师资队伍的建设应摆在首位。加强“双师型”教师队伍建设,已成为职业院校的一项重要任务。 One of the