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60年代中英街的沉寂黑夜,渔家仔吴海生迎来了从英界悄悄过来的心上人邓秀梅。二人正准备去海生家成亲,发现海生妈给秀梅的半块红绣帕不见了。海生为找红绣帕踏过英界,不幸被英警发现捉拿而去,从此杳无音信。“中英关于香港主权问题的联合声明”发表以后,中英街上界碑虽在,但已无法隔断中英街两边人民的骨肉亲情。美籍华人刘氏集团公司的副董事长刘梦沙在市侨办的引荐下,与丈夫从美国来到中英街,一方面要与中方谈判投资兴建科技走廊,一方面要在故乡安葬祖父的骨灰。二十年后的秀梅已成长为一位聪明能干的农民企业家,负责科技走廊的招标工作。她看中了刘梦沙的公司。但万万没想到,刘氏公司派来与梦沙合作的人竟是秀梅昔日的恋人海生,而海生已经与梦沙结婚多年,他们的女儿贞贞也一起来到了中英街。海生回到了阔别多年的家,看着手抚竹箫哭瞎了双眼的母亲海阿婆,他连声叫着:“阿妈,我是海生!”海阿婆悲喜交集。她告诉儿子,秀梅与她相依为命度过二十个春秋,至今还 In the quiet night of the 60’s Sino-British Street, fisherman Aberdeen Wu Haisheng ushered in the sweetheart Deng Xiumei quietly from the British community. The two are preparing to marry into the sea, and found that half of the sea mother to Xiumei Mei red embroidered purse disappeared. Marine students to find red embroidered Pitui British sector, unfortunately, was found by the British police caught away from no news. After the publication of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Sovereignty of Hong Kong, although the boundary marker on Sino-British Street is still there, it can no longer cut off the flesh and blood of the people on both sides of Sino-British Street. Liu Mengsha, the vice chairman of the Chinese-American Liu Group Company, came to Chung Ying Street with her husband from the United States under the referral of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Republic of China. On the one hand, they should negotiate investment with China in building a corridor of science and technology and at the same time, Ashes. Two decades later, Xiumei has grown into a smart and capable farmer entrepreneur who is responsible for bidding for science and technology corridors. She fancy Liu Meng sand company. But never imagined that the company that Liu Company sent to cooperate with Mengshe actually was Xiumei’s former lover, Haisheng, and Haisheng had been married to Mengsha for many years. Their daughter, Zhen Chen, also came together in Chung Ying Street. Haisheng returned home after many years, looked hand Fuzhu Xiao blind mother Ha Hai lady, he kept crying: “grandmother, I am the sea!” She told her son, Xiumei dependent on her life for over twenty years, still still
【摘要】音乐是情感的艺术。古今中外的经典音乐能够陶冶学生的情操,学校的音乐课是对学生进行素质教育,特别是进行美育的重要载体。要想使我们的音乐课堂取得预期的效果,必须以“情”为主,突出情感体验。教师要把自己融入音乐,创设音乐情境,利用富有感情的课堂语言和体态语言,带领学生走进音乐,融入音乐,丰富情感体验,逐步提高学生的音乐水平,真正做到以情育人。  【关键词】音乐课堂 效果 教师 情感性  【中图分
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