INTRODUCTION The speetrum of aeute panereatitis(Ap)rangesfrom a mild sPontaneously resolved disorder tosevere disease with a mortality uP to 20%-48 .4%一l一3].sAP 15 defined as the AP with organfailure and/or loeal eomPlieations whieh develoPedfrom aeute fluid eollection(AFC)ineludingneerosis,abseess,Pseudoeyst formation into oraround the panereas[4〕.sAP 15 only about一50,0-25%but almost all of mortality and morbidity of AP15 eoneentrated in it一5〕.Early diagnosis andassessment of severity in
INTRODUCTION The speetrum of aeute panereatitis (Ap) ranges from a mild sPontaneously resolved disorder tosevere disease with a mortality uP to 20% -48 .4% l-3] .sAP 15 defined as the AP with organfailure and / or loeal eomPlieations whieh develoPedfrom aerated fluid eollection (AFC) ineludingneerosis, abseess, Pseudoeyst formation into oraround the panereas [4] .sAP 15 only about 50,0-25% but almost all of mortality and morbidity of AP15 eoneentrated in it-5]. Early diagnosis and assessment of severity in