Facile synthesis of ZnO nanowires on FTO glass for dye-sensitized solar cells

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liqianben
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Long and well-aligned ZnO nanowires were hydrothermally synthesized on FTO glass based on a ZnO seed layer which was prepared by spin-coating and annealing techniques.The effect of the growth solution refreshment on the morphology of ZnO nanowires was investigated and the possible mechanism was discussed.After refreshing the growth solution for 5 cycles,ZnO nanowires of ~ 120 nm in diameter and ~ 20 /μm in length were obtained.The prepared ZnO nanowires were used as photoelectrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells(DSSCs),showing excellent photovoltaic performance.With the increase of growth cycles of ZnO nanowires,the photocurrent of DSSCs increased obviously due to the increased dye loading on the surface of ZnO nanowires.The results indicated that the lone and well-aligned ZnO nanowires are promising for DSSCs application. Long and well-aligned ZnO nanowires were hydrothermally synthesized on FTO glass based on a ZnO seed layer which was prepared by spin-coating and annealing techniques. The effect of the growth solution refreshment on the morphology of ZnO nanowires was investigated and the possible mechanism was was The ZnO nanowires were used in photoelectrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), showing excellent photovoltaic the increase of growth cycles of ZnO nanowires, the photocurrent of DSSCs increased appreciably to the increased dye loading on the surface of ZnO nanowires. results showed that the lone and well-aligned ZnO nanowires are promising for DSSCs application.
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【摘要】一篇优秀的文章就像一个美丽的建筑物,材料固然不可少,但怎样安排这些材料去设计建造也是极为重要的。设计建筑的过程即作者运用语言材料去谋篇布局的过程。这种能力培养必须整体把握,循序渐进,不可成人化、文学化。  【关键词】语言材料 设计建造 布局  【中图分类号】G623.24 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)08-0079-01  在教学中,一开始可让学生仿写。仿写