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  ◆Abstract:The new curriculum standard puts forward more requirements for English teaching, which requires strengthening students' cooperative learning ability, language expression ability and text translation ability. In the teaching process, the teacher is only a participant and guide, not a decision-maker in traditional teaching, and students have more choices and opportunities to improve their learning.The traditional teaching of English scientific text translation ignores the characteristics of the subject and the advantages and disadvantages of the students. Many parents and teachers pay more attention to the students' written test results. This teaching method makes the students' English literacy and cooperative learning ability can not be greatly improved.Therefore, the proposal of the new curriculum standard, cultivate students' English scientific and technological text ability into everyone's field of vision, and scientific and technological text translation is more professional, students' progress will be faster.This paper discusses the application of English scientific text translation in English teaching.
  ◆Key words: English teaching; scientific text translation; approaches
  1 The importance of English Scientific Text Translation Teaching
  It is the direction and goal of every teacher that students master the translation ability of scientific and technological texts. Teachers can build cooperative classroom, which is actually a way of learning communication between students. It is also the direction that teachers need to work hard to let students carry out group cooperation. To cultivate students' translation ability is to achieve it by establishing goals, self-monitoring and self-evaluationThe teaching of translation is also to help students from learning to learning, and to cultivate students' translation ability is also to comply with the requirements of the times. In today's world, information and knowledge update relatively fast. It is far from enough for a person to only rely on the knowledge acquired in school. Students must have the consciousness of lifelong learning in order not to be eliminated by the times.The most important thing to cultivate students' ability of scientific text translation is to improve their thirst for knowledge, have the idea of mining knowledge and learning psychology. Students' learning ability improves students' consciousness, and they will also take the initiative to seek knowledge in the process of learning. They can preview before class according to the requirements of teachers, and review after class in time. They can listen to the teacher carefully in class and master the knowledgeTake notes to sum up knowledge.To cultivate students' translation ability is also to exercise students' consciousness.   2 Approaches to English Scientific Text Translation Teaching
  2.1 The teaching of English scientific text translation should guide students to learn how to learn, let students learn how to learn, discover and build their own knowledge system in the process of learning.Teachers should also mobilize students' learning initiative and enthusiasm, stimulate students' interest in learning, and let students have their own choice under the teaching objectives of this lesson. At the same time, they should also cultivate students' problem awareness, encourage students' ability to find and solve problems by themselves, and let students be bold and suspicious, and put forward bold challenges to the text and teachers.Encourage students to adopt their own learning style, let students speak freely, also can group communication, let group and individual thinking collision and communication.
  2.2 Make use of classroom resources, create situations and adjust measures to the situation
  The scope of class is a place that students are familiar with. In fact, teachers are more likely to create scenarios within their own familiar scope, and students will be more likely to devote themselves to classroom learning, which will make the teaching effect better.In the classroom, teachers need to create situations for students to connect with their own things. With such a real situation teaching mode, students can find the rules of English scientific and technological text translation in the process of continuous learning. Therefore, teachers use classroom resources to create theme scenarios and improve their learning ability according to the situationStudents' learning ability.
  2.3 Classroom atmosphere, harmonious relationship between teachers and students, and then cultivate students' translation awareness
  The traditional English teaching is dominated by teachers. Teachers speak constantly in class, and students keep taking notes after class. After a class,although students take a lot of notes,they don't really master much. Most students are passive in accepting knowledge.In order to solve this problem, teachers need to create a vivid teaching environment, such as allowing students to exchange their views, allowing students to learn in a lively and interesting condition, and actively participate in classroom activities and teaching.Teachers should also actively communicate with students after class.For students who lack learning consciousness, teachers need more guidance to help students learn and use knowledge.
  3 Conclusion
  When cultivating students' ability to learn English scientific text translation, we need to help students to change their attitude towards knowledge, let students from passive learning to active learning, fully tap the characteristics and laws of the text, cultivate students' tenacious learning consciousness, and encourage students to speculate on the text content boldly.At the same time, students should be allowed to think independently in the teaching process, which is conducive to the cultivation of students' understanding ability.
◆摘 要:在社会主义核心价值观念的引领下,小学道德与法治教学备受关注。道德与法治科目和传统科目有所区别,它是一门具有引导性的综合学科,对发展学生思维品质和提升道德素养起关键性作用。在小学阶段开展道德与法治课堂教学,教师可以从激发学生课堂学习兴趣、家校联合式教学、构建良好师生关系、增设生活化教学、创设课堂教学环境这几个方面关注学生的思维发展。  ◆关键词:小学教学;道德与法治;思维发展  学校是学生
◆摘 要:因疫情而开展的网课,从开始的新鲜到慢慢熟悉,再到开始松懈。每一位老师在上网课学生时常说:“在家务必严格要求自己,提醒学生自律性的重要性,不然返校后同学彼此之间的差异会很大。”所以学生在家学习,我们在家上课,做好学生的线上辅导还是十分必要的。  ◆关键词:线上教学;疫情;停课不停学  下面从三个方面来简单谈谈我在线上学生辅导过程中看到的一些问题,辅导中的一些经验和做法及线上教学给我们今后教
◆摘 要:物理属于理科方面的重要学科组成,高中阶段的物理教学和学习均存在一定难度,其教学效果和学生学科知识掌握情况对于高中学生的整体成绩有着极大影响作用。本文以中学数学知识和思想在高中物理解题中的应用思路和策略为主要内容进行分析与研究。希望通过数学知识的应用可以降低物理学科学习难度。  ◆关键词:中学数学知识;高中物理解题;应用探析  高中物理学科的教学内容中提升了相关知识的理解深度,部分定性知识
◆摘 要:儿童并非可以被任意塑造的“物”,作为小学教师,心中应该有儿童,本文将基于教材解读、作业设置、教师语言、儿童课堂、评价观念等几个维度,阐述如何跟着儿童的心跳动,让儿童成为儿童。  ◆关键词:教材;作业;课堂语言;生成性课堂;赏识教育  教师眼中要有“人”,对于小学教师来说,就是眼中要有“儿童”。当前教育追求短期效益,许多教师不考虑儿童的真实兴趣与需要,把儿童当作自己教学的展示板,作为与儿童
◆摘 要:在当前的教育背景下,和过去的职业教育相比,班主任不再只关注培养学生的专业技能,逐渐把德育教育转变为工作重心。基于此,本文简要阐述了中职班主任德育教育现状,并分别从以生为本,强化师生交流、‘管’与‘育’的相辅相成以及重视实践在管育并重中的作用等方面,提出管育并重模式在中职班主任德育教育中的实践应用策略。  ◆关键词:管育并重模式;中职班主任;德育教育  德育教育是班主任工作的重点内容,在新
◆摘 要:班主任工作是一门艺术、一门学问。开创性地做好班级管理工作,正确地对待学生,循循善诱,因材施教,培养良好的班风、学风,关心学生全面发展,能收到更好的教学效果,能提高教学质量。  ◆关键词:班级;管理;策略  班级是学校实施素质教育的基本单位。班主任是班级管理的组织者、教育者、领导者、校规校纪的执行者,是双向教学交流的信息员,以及学生学习、生活、娱乐的辅导员,而且肩负着领导、引导、辅导学生更
◆摘 要:由于时代和形势的需求,微信群逐渐参与到了当代教育中来。微信群主要被运用在班级管理上。微信群为师生交流沟通提供了一个崭新的平台,也为家校共同教育创造了更加有利的条件,还给学生的自我展示活动提供了一种紧跟时代发展的方式,本文分析了微信群在当代中小学班级管理中的应用现状,为新时代教师管理班级提出了新设想,但教师在使用微信群进行班级管理的过程中出现了一些问题,比如,使教师工作难以协调,也使一些隐
◆摘 要:函数思想是小学阶段重要的数学思想,与化曲为直、出入相补等数学思想,构成了小学阶段重要的数学思想体系。在小学数学教学中,让小学生去发现规律,并能将规律表述出来,或是具体的应用到学习中去,是函数思想在小学数学教学中的重要价值体现。  ◆关键词:函数思想;小学数学;数量关系;教学应用  函数思想是一种考虑对应、考虑运动变化、相依关系,以一种状态确定地刻画另一种状态,由研究状态过渡到研究过程的思
◆摘 要:在高职院校的发展中,党建工作的作用不言而喻,进入新的历史时期后,高职院校党建工作迎来了新机遇,也有了新的挑战,要发挥高职院校的育人作用,必须要狠抓党建工作。文章探讨了新时期党建工作的新机遇,分析推进新时代党建统领高职院校高质量发展的具体策略。  ◆关键词:高职院校;党建工作;学校发展;对策  当前,我国经济发展正处于转型升级、提质增效的关键阶段,在我国的教育体系中,高职教育占据着重要地位