在祝贺Howard Emmons的火灾研究学术会议(美国首都华盛顿,1983)上的报告。 我的“火灾科学的历史”是从20世纪中期开始描述300年以前的历史的。我选择这样的开始时间,是因为在那时公众对火灾已经有了很严肃认真的了解,并且已经有了城市火灾的法规和各种各样已被批准的试验和标准。诚然,所有这些几乎完全是经验的,但是,对于用科学方法来开展火灾基础研究的重要性的认识正在发展,并且计算机(当时正处于发展初期)正在使定量火灾理论有了可能。
Congratulations to Howard Emmons on the Fire Research Conference (Washington, DC, 1983). My “history of fire science” was a description 300 years ago from the middle of the 20th century. I chose this start time because the public had already had a very serious understanding of the fire at that time, and had already had the regulations of urban fires and a variety of approved tests and standards. It is true that all of this is almost entirely empirical, but knowledge of the importance of using scientific methods to conduct basic fire research is developing, and computers (at the time it was in its infancy) are making quantitative fire theory possible.