2005年2月9日至13日,正当中国人热热闹闹地欢度春节之际,我们南部的近邻印度人一边承受着印度洋海啸造成的巨大悲哀,一边在其南部城市班加罗尔的耶那汉卡空军机场风风火火举办着第五届“印度航空-2005”国际航空展。由印度国防部国防工业和采购局主办的航展每隔一年举行一次。印度国防秘书 (主管国防生产)杜特对记者说:“参加航展的公司都想利用航展来推销他们的产
While Chinese people are busy celebrating the Spring Festival from February 9 to February 13, 2005, the neighboring southern Indies, while carrying on the tremendous sorrow caused by the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, left the Jena Khakaj Air Force in the southern city of Bangalore The air-conditioned airport held the fifth “Air India-2005” International Air Show. The air show, sponsored by Defense Industry and Procurement Services of the Defense Ministry of India, takes place every other year. Dute, India’s defense secretary (in charge of defense production), told reporters: "Companies participating in the air show want to use the air show to sell their products