册亨县位于贵州省西南部,地处云贵高原向广西低山丘陵过渡地带,珠江上游两大支流南、北盘江在县境内交汇,国土面积2 598 k m2,辖9镇5乡,总人口23万人,其中布依族占76%。册亨县隶属于贵州省黔西南布依族苗族自治州,受历史原因、资源秉赋、区位条件、基础设施等各种因素影响,经济社会发展相对滞后,经济总量小,贫困面
Located in the southwestern part of Guizhou Province, Shuiheng County is located in the transitional zone from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the hilly area of Guangxi. The two major tributaries of the upper reaches of the Pearl River, south and north, meet in the county with a land area of 2,598 m2 and jurisdiction over 9 towns, 5 townships, Population 230,000, of which Buyi accounted for 76%. Under the influence of historical reasons, resources, geographical conditions, infrastructure and other factors, Shuiheng County is under the jurisdiction of the Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in the southwest of Guizhou Province. Its economic and social development is lagging behind with a small total economy and poverty-stricken areas