对6×80WSNS+FC钢丝绳股进行几何分析,利用余弦定理、同心层钢丝螺旋捻角公式、同心层钢丝螺旋半径公式计算出该钢丝绳股不同层钢丝的捻角与螺旋半径,并根据钢丝椭圆任意半径公式求出钢丝椭圆截面切点处相应曲率半径,最终得出:未捻制状态下,由内向外各层钢丝直径比为0.858∶0.657 5∶0.511 3∶0.656 68∶0.856∶0.780 218∶1;捻制状态下,各层钢丝直径比为0.964∶0.727∶0.546∶0.706∶0.873∶0.803∶1。给出精确计算后股捻距倍数为7.0,7.5,8.5,9.0,9.5时各层钢丝直径比,用于指导钢丝绳配丝计算及生产。
The geometric analysis of 6 × 80WSNS + FC steel wire strands is carried out. The twist angle and helical radius of different layers of steel wire strands are calculated by cosine theorem, concentric twisted layer helix angle formula and concentric helical wire radius formula. Radius formula to find the corresponding radius of curvature at the tangent point of the elliptical cross section of the wire. Finally, the wire diameter ratio from the inner to the outer layer in the untwisted state is 0.858: 0.657 5: 0.511 3: 0.656 68: 0.856: 0.780 218: ; In the twisting state, the wire diameter ratio of each layer was 0.964: 0.727: 0.546: 0.706: 0.873: 0.803: 1. After accurate calculation, the ratio of strand diameter of each layer is 7.0, 7.5, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, which is used to guide the calculation and production of wire rope.