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大纲在时间分配上,教材在内容安排上,都有浪费现象,如能打破常规,不但能又快又好的完成教学任务,提高教育质量,同时也给学生参加体力劳动创造了有利条件。 (一)几点看法 1.有的教材由于内容简单,分量较少,规定时数过多,因而造成浪费如:讲鱼、蛙、鸟等等的动物,它们的生活条件、形态特征和外部构造是学生最熟悉而易懂的,可是这样的教材也都得各用一节课的时间来讲。又如:讲哺乳纲的12个目时竟化费了13节课的时间,其主要内容除了给与它们分类的知识和明确它们与人生的关系外,都可用下表表示出来(表1),象这些内容过去每一目都用1节到2节的时间讲,现在是将这12目分成主要的与次要的,介绍给学生再经过归纳与概括,就可由13节减少到5节,由此可知教师在过去对这样的教材就不得不翻来复去的讲,其结果是越讲越乱,教师感到没内容,学生感到重复没兴趣没啥可记的,也就更没有问题可想,真是贫乏无味,象这样的一堂教学,岂不是磨牙。 The outline of the distribution of time, the textbook in the content arrangement, there is a waste of the phenomenon, if we can break the routine, not only fast and good completion of teaching tasks, improve the quality of education, but also to students to participate in physical labor has created favorable conditions. (A) a few observations 1. Some textbooks due to simple content, less weight, the provisions of excessive hours, resulting in waste such as: fish, frogs, birds and so on animals, their living conditions, morphological characteristics and external Structure is the most familiar and easy to understand students, but such materials also have to spend a lesson in terms of time. Another example: Speaking of Mammalia 12 head actually cost 13 lessons time, the main content in addition to their classification of knowledge and a clear relationship between them and life can be used to show the following table (Table 1) , As in the past, each of these contents used one to two sessions of speaking time. Now it is time to divide these 12 subjects into major and minor ones. Introducing them to students and then summarizing and summarizing them can be reduced from 13 to 5, This shows that teachers in the past had to go back and forth on this teaching material, the result is more chaotic, the teacher felt no content, students feel no interest in nothing to repeat, there is no problem can be Think, really poor and tasteless, like this one teaching, would not it be molars.
結締組织的构造比较复杂。如能用具体模型講解。然后再組织同学在显微鏡下观查实物就很容易理解,今介紹簡单的方法。以疏松結締組織为例: 在光滑的木板上,(木板的大小自行决
一代伟人毛泽东曾经说过:中国人“可上九天揽月,可下五洋捉鳖”。今年,我们有幸见证了“神九”上天,也看到了“蛟龙”下海。  不少同学对“神九”了解得比较多,但是,对“蛟龙”号与马里亚纳海沟,就知之甚少。本文带大家一起去探究一番其中的奥秘吧!  为推动深海运载技术发展,我国于2002年将深海载人潜水器研制提上了议事日程。“蛟龙号”载人潜水器长、宽、高分别是8.2米、3.0米与3.4米;空重不超过22吨
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