随着信息技术的进步,网络经济的发展气势如虹,大量的海内外资金涌向 IT 产业。对此,既要看到我国网络经济在追赶世界潮流中的无限商机,同时也必须保持清醒的头脑。从目前态势看,以下几点应引起有关部门足够重视:1.全行业的宏观规划指导不够,一哄而上,资金、宝贵的人力资源重复投入有可能造成新的巨大浪费。2.政府(特别是各级地方政府和各部门)的功能定位不准,自行介入过深而又缺乏合格的人才
With the progress of information technology, the momentum of the development of the network economy is darling, and a large amount of domestic and overseas capital flows to the IT industry. In this regard, we should not only see the unlimited business opportunities in our country’s network economy in catching up with the world trend, but also must keep a clear head. From the current situation, the following points should cause the relevant departments to pay enough attention to: 1. The macro-planning industry-wide guidance is not enough, one after another, capital, precious human resources, repeated input may result in a huge new waste. 2. The government (especially local governments at all levels and various departments) are not allowed to locate their own functions, and have too few independent qualified personnel