2019 Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry 2019年诺贝尔化学奖获得者

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  These three scientists, John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino (from left), have won the 2019 Nobel Prize in chemistry for their work on lithium-ion batteries1.
  Alessandro Volta demonstrated2 the first electric battery in 1800. Since then, scientists have been working to build better ones. Today’s winners were honored for pioneering the lithium-ion battery. Lightweight and rechargeable, these batteries can be found in everything from portable electronics to electric cars and bicycles. They also provide a way to store energy from renewable energy sources (such as sunlight and wind).
  The winners include John B. Goodenough at the University of Texas at Austin. At 97, he is the oldest person to ever receive a Nobel. The other winners are M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino. Whittingham works at Binghamton University in New York. Yoshiro works in Japan at Asahi Kasei Corporation in Tokyo and Meijo University in Nagoya.
  All three will receive a medal and together share the prize of 9 million Swedish kronor (about $900,000).
  Chemist Olof Ramstr■m works at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He also is a member of the 2019 Nobel Committee3 for chemistry. He said, “This battery has had a dramatic impact on our society. It’s clear that the discoveries of our three laureates4 really made this possible.”
  In the 1970s, Whittingham began experimenting with lithium5 for his anode6. It did not weigh much and easily released electrons7 and lithium ions8. Whittingham used this design for the first lithium battery.
  Goodenough tried to improve on Whittingham’s design over the next decade. Goodenough’s innovation9 doubled voltage. That’s about what it takes to power a modern smartphone.
  In 1985, Yoshino explored creating an anode from a by-product of oil production. The result was a safer, more durable10, 4-volt rechargeable11 battery. That design was used for the first lithium-ion batteries to hit store shelves. That was in 1991.   1985年,吉野彰探索利用石油生产的副产品来制造阳极。结果研发出了一个更安全耐用的4伏充电电池。在1991年,这种设计被应用于第一批上架销售的锂离子电池。
  The Nobel Prize announcement is “really thrilling for the battery community,” says Kelsey Hatzell. “Stan and Akira and John’s work is so significant. You can’t imagine going through your daily life without using half a dozen different devices that use lithium-ion batteries.”
  Goodenough said “I’m extremely happy that my work has helped people’s ability to communicate.” When asked if he had expected to win, Goodenough replied, “I didn’t expect anything!” He said he’d donate his share of the winnings “to my university to support people who work there”.
  Goodenough may not have expected to win, but others had long considered him a shoo-in12. “People in the electrochemistry field... have put him number one on our (Nobel prediction) lists for years and years and years and years,” says Amanda Morris, a chemist at Virginia Tech.
  Lithium-ion batteries now perform much better than those in 1991. Over the past two decades or more, researchers have been working very hard. And it’s paid off. The energy available from these batteries has doubled—even tripled, in some cases, and the cycle life has improved greatly. Today, you can recharge these batteries thousands of times. They also have gotten safer and less costly.
  1. lithium-ion battery锂离子电池 2. demonstrate [
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