位于新街口一条狭长胡同里的后章幼儿园(又称西城区东明聋儿康复中心),是一所很特殊的幼儿园。其特殊就在于它不仅是一所街道园,而且在150名幼儿中竞有42名是聋儿!就是这所街道园,去年10月被评为全国残疾人三项康复工作先进单位,这是国务院残疾人工作协调委员会所颁发的最高荣誉。带着一份崇敬,一份好奇,笔者采访了张月华园长。 张月华今年38岁,看上去显得年轻而精干,洋溢着一股朝气。她告诉我,该园是北京最早成立的聋
Located in a narrow alley in Xinjiekou Houzhang kindergarten (also known as Xicheng District Dongming deaf children rehabilitation center), is a very special kindergarten. Its special is that it is not only a street park, but also in the 150 children competing in 42 is deaf! This is the street garden, in October last year was named the country’s three advanced units of rehabilitation work, which is State Council Disability Work Coordination Committee issued the highest honor. With a reverence, a curiosity, the author interviewed Zhang Yuehua principal. Zhang Yuehua, 38, looks young and capable, filled with vigor. She told me that the park was the earliest to be deaf in Beijing